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Thank You, Mr. Falker

01/06/2015 08:04
1. Write a thank you letter to someone who has made a difference in your life. Must have 10 or more sentences. Include specific examples of how they are important to you.  2. Create a visual (poster, booklet, etc.) using pictures and words of your talents. Also include one thing that you would...

Chester's Way

03/05/2015 22:11
Click here to re-watch the story.   1. Write an acrostic poem for CHESTER and another for LILLY using words and phrases that fully describe their character traits.  2. Pick a part of the story that reminds you of you and your best friend. Explain how your story and the part in the...

Me and My Cat?

01/04/2015 20:19
Click here to re-read the story. 1. Music Smart: Using the tune of a song of your choosing, change the lyrics and write a song based on the events in this story. Neatly write or type out the lyrics and write the name of the song.  2. Body Smart: Make a chart and list the things Nicholas could...

Private I. Guana

15/03/2015 21:49
Click here to re-read the story. Projects due on March 23. Ensure your project is done neatly and fully with a lot of effort (e.g. don't just write it on a piece of lined paper - type it out or write it neatly on poster paper). 1. Picture Smart: List all of the characters in the book. Write a...

When Pigasso Met Mootisse

20/02/2015 17:37
Re-read the story here. Choose one of the activities below. Due on March 6.      1. Picture Smart: This characters in this book are inspired by the artists Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. Choose one of these artists, research them, and write at least 5 things about him....

Romeow and Drooliet

13/02/2015 12:36
  1.)  List the characters in the book.  Describe in writing what each of these characters look like using rich, descriptive words.  Make illustrations to go with your descriptions.  You may make this in a “wanted” poster format.   2.)  The costume party where...

The Kiss That Missed

25/01/2015 14:31
Nature Smart 1. Part of the story takes place in the forest. It starts off as a scary place but becomes peaceful. Describe the changes that take the forest from scary to peaceful. Think abuot colour, shapes, size of the objects and the time of day. Draw a picture of a scary forest then draw...

The Night I Followed the Dog

30/12/2014 20:56
January 15 Body Smart 1. Build a Scene: Using clay and other materials, design a scene from the story. Write a paragraph describing the scene from the story. 2. Imagine: Think about what could happen if underneath your skin you were a robot. What different things could you do? Draw and label a...

Brave Irene

26/11/2014 21:47
December 1 - 15 Music Smart *You may choose to do one of the of the following activities alone or with a partner* (no more than 2 people per group) 1. Write a rap or a song that represents the story. You could use the tune of a known song and re-write the lyrics if you wish.  2. Write a...

I Need My Monster

04/11/2014 20:59
People Smart
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